
Article August 17, 2023

Celebrating A Level Results 2023: Henry Salonen

By King's InterHigh

Competitive tennis player Henry aced his A Levels with King's InterHigh, achieving AABC grades in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Further Maths (respectively), while continuing to excel on the tennis court. He is now looking forward to studying Computational Engineering at Aalto University in Finland. Here's his story.

"I play tennis competitively, and Kings InterHigh's flexible timetables have allowed me to train as much as possible while still maintaining a high level of education."

Henry Salonen

Aalto University student

 Why did you decide to learn online with King's InterHigh? 

I joined King's InterHigh during the pandemic to continue my learning without having to wear masks in a normal school. At the time King's InterHigh seemed like the most reliable option of all the online schools.

 What's something you've gained from King's InterHigh that's really helped you personally? 

I think learning by myself has helped me become more disciplined, as online learning requires the student to do the work and pay attention in lessons even when it is easy not to.

 Is there something you’ve learned from King’s InterHigh that’s special to online learning or your situation? 

I play tennis competitively, and Kings InterHigh's flexible timetables have allowed me to train as much as possible while still maintaining a high level of education.

What are your dreams for the future?

I have decided to go to Aalto University in Finland to study Computational Engineering. I hope to do my masters in the US with a tennis scholarship.

By King's InterHigh

King's InterHigh is an author for King's Interhigh.